Topic: Cold spray is a leading-edge coating deposition technique to produce coatings on industrial parts. Deposition on complex-shaped substrates is achievable. Coatings show unique properties that other thermal spray processes cannot reach. Recent developments led to upgraded set-ups that give access to higher particle velocities and allow the use of a more extended range of materials. The application field becomes larger and larger due to the feasibility of spraying materials which could not be sprayed till now.
Therefore, with these developments, the cold spray process offers an increasingly wide spectrum of possibilities with the spraying of metals but also cermets, polymers or ceramics on various kinds of surfaces (metals, ceramics, polymers…). Moreover, the process looks also promising as an additive manufacturing method to produce free-standing industrial parts. This symposium is dedicated to all these new developments.
Dr Erick MEILLOT Chairman of the Symposium, CEA, F-37260 MONTS, France erick.meillot@cea.fr
Dr Aurélie QUET, Co-chairman of the Symposium CEA, F-37260 MONTS, France aurelie.quet@cea.fr
Dr Michel JEANDIN, Chairman, THERMEC’2018, MINES ParisTech, France michel.jeandin@mines.paristech.fr
Abstract Submission dates are same as of that of THERMEC'2018
Also, look forward to a special one day registration fee for the participation in the Cold Spray Symposium
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